
Sri Melaka @ Amcorp Mall, PJ: Sumptuous Malacca Foods For Lunch, Yay!

I love having long lunch hour during Friday afternoon. There's no mad rush to look for parking or reaching the restaurant on time, no scrambling to order and most importantly, no rushing to eat too. This is especially important when you're ordering 7 dishes for 7 people, not including drinks, soups and desserts! Friday lunch is always the best!

Restoren Sri Melaka @ Amcorp Mall, PJ.

We went to Restoran Sri Melaka @ Amcorp Mall, PJ for our delightful lunch. Upon reaching there, I'm surprise to see that:

 1) The front of the restaurant seemed like a small restaurant but upon entering, I found out that the restaurant occupied a lot of floor spaces (very spacious inside!). I think can it accommodate more than 20 large tables (didn't really count).
2) The restaurant was FULL

Menu @ Sri many Malacca favorite foods to choose from!

After ordering one (or more) dish(es) from every page of the menu, we were told to wait for 10 minutes before food is served. Are you kidding? 10 minutes only, especially when the restaurant was FULL at lunch time! Very fast, huh? Anyway, the waitress was definitely not joking and foods were arriving one after another after 10 minutes time. BTW, we ordered all the dishes medium size because the waitress said it'll just be the right amount (she's right, again).

Fork and spoon, plus serviette.

Lychee drink (think about RM5, forgotten already, hehe), first to arrive. Cold, sweet lychee drink with 4 lychees inside. It tasted sweet but with minimal 'lychee' taste, just like those opened from can, with the juice diluted with lotsa water/ ice, followed by adding back sugar to replace back the sweetness that had been diluted.

Appetizer: Shark Fin Soup With Crabmeat (RM16/bowl). The broth tasted sweet, plus small chunks of crab meats and shreds of shark fins makes every scoop pleasantly appetizing. However, I must stressed here that shark fins didn't contribute any taste at all to this dish. In view of the mean practices that are associated with shark fins, I'd advice, if possible, to avoid/ eat less shark fins.
Green Curry Chicken (RM36). I love this dish the most. The chicken meat had been de-boned and generous amount of aromatic green curry allowed me to mix it with my white rice. The green curry is also thick, not oily and not spicy too.

Kangkung Belachan (RM21). An all time favorite and must order no matter eating in Chinese, Indian or Malay restaurants also. For RM21 per plate (medium size), I'd expect some prawns in it too. Unfortunately, no prawn at all. Not enough belachan taste and also not spicy at all. Very disappointing because I'd expect so much more for this over-priced dish. RM21? I still can't believe it! 

Sambal Petai Sotong (RM36). Generous amount of petai and sotong. I always think it's hard to embed the flavor into sotong because it'll take too long time for it to be absorbed. They'd done it here at Sri Melaka, kudos!

Mango kerabu, if I'm not mistaken. Also, not sure about the price. To be honest, I didn't even try this dish because I'm not a fan of too many spices in my food. Next!

Garlic Asparagus (RM21). These asparagus appeared to be young as it's small (in their diameter) and crunchy too. Garlic taste was minimal here but I'm okay with it because I want something 'clear' in the midst of eating all the other dishes with strong taste and abundant of spices. However, I still couldn't fathom on the price, RM21!!! How can a dish of vegetable cost so much??!!

Deep Fried Assam Fish (price base on weight). Fried? What a waste of a good fish...unless it's not fresh. I just eat a bit of the meat here. Couldn't tell much because the taste (or lack of taste) are concealed by the assam sauce. Am I eating fish here or the assam sauce here? Lousy.
Sizzling Bean Curd (RM21). Simple dish, tasty bean curd and generous amount of sauce to pour onto my rice. At best, this dish tasted ordinary and not even fitting to called as 'home cooked'. The price again, speechless!
The lunch FEAST, all spread out:)

I'd forgotten what this ais batu kacang called (about RM9), but it's the most expensive with all sorts of 'additionals'  (ice-cream, nuts, lychee, atapchee, etc)

My ABC, after the ice melted, just to let you see the amount of different 'stuffs' that they put in it.

Restoran Sri Melaka 
G11-G12 Amcorp Mall, Petaling Jaya
Opens daily, 10am - 9pm

Tasty Or Not?
Rating: 6.5/10. Minimal 'Malacca' taste here (only the green curry chicken). Priced at upper range for food qualities and taste that are at best, average only.

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