
Biskut Tupai Emas @ Taiping, Perak: Taiping Famous Biscuit

I was given two packets of this biscuit last week. According to the person who gave this biscuit to me, it's very famous in Taiping. Somehow, I only ate it because I skipped my lunch today and now feeling rather hungry. This biscuit is the only food I could find.

One packet of 'Biskut Tupai Emas' contains 10 'biskuts' in it.

Surprisingly, the biscuit is rather tasty and I ate three altogether, hehe. So, I just thought of blog briefly about the food that's suitable for all those with sweet tooth (not me, but I still like it...maybe too hungry, haha)

Biscuit? For those who ate Seremban siew pau before, this looked more like a 'siew pau'/ bun than a biscuit, hehe. The sesame seeds on top adds to the already crunchy and flaky crust, plus giving a tinge of nutty flavor too, compensating the outer crust for lacking in buttery taste
Halfway eating...see the layers and layers of crispy and flaky crusts, showing the amount of effort put in it to prepare this 'biscuit'

You can see the crispy crust here separated from another crust. Inside of this crust is some sweet fillings. The filling was minimal, about 20% filled...leaving the core mostly empty. For those with sweet tooth, you'll definitely be disappointed but for me, it's just the right amount of sticky, sweet fillings:)
Biskut Tupai Emas
79, Lorong 5, Kg. Larut Tin
Off Taman Sungai Mas,
34000 Taiping Perak.
05-8482301, 012-5570757

Tasty Or Not?
Rating: 5/10. It's nice to eat...crispy and flaky on the outside and sweet and sticky inside. However, I don't see anything special besides the nicely made outer crust. Their sweet fillings was disappointingly normal. I'd rather eat Seremban siew pau instead.


  1. If it isn't halal, please don't change it. Otherwise the taste will be different. So many traditional dishes along the highway, made into halal conforming versions taste so horrible. Why sell these traditional dishes at all? Why force the Chinese to eat halal? Why don't the muslims stick to their own traditional food?

    1. Actually Muslim are not forcing Chinese to eat Halal food but if the biscuits got Halal approved, that means this product can commercial to universal(world) which is worry free about Halal status.If you are business minded, this means their business expandable can be double or more than that.

      "Why don't the muslims stick to their own traditional food?"
      Is it wrong to not stick with their own food?
      Since here Malaysia (multi race) so, we must accept and respect the variety of Malay/India/Chinese culture or food.
