
Suffolk House Restaurant, Penang (Part 1): A Romantic Place For Fine Dining But I Ended Up Having Evening Buffet

Suffolk House. Winner of the Award of Distinction in the 2008 UNESCO Asia-Pacific Heritage Awards for Culture Heritage Conservation
Firstly, let me introduce to you this place called Suffolk House, which served as Francis Light's (founder of the British colony of Penang) resident until his death in 1794. It's the earliest Anglo-Indian garden house built within a pepper estate and now served as one of the most important colonial heritage landmark in Penang. This house changed owners multiple times and served many purposes since then. It was used to be British Governor's mansion, Japanese base during occupation and Methodist Boys' School before this house was restored to it's current form.

A L-shaped wooden planks outside the Suffolk House. Turn left and you're directly in front of the main entrance of Suffolk House. 

I attended an evening function here awhile ago. I arrived there a little early and went on to snap some photos of this place. However, I was told by the security guard not to take any photos. Only later did I realized that I need to pay (nominal sum) before taking photos because this place is very popular amongst couples wanting to take their wedding photos here.

Inside Suffolk House, some sense of grandeur prevail. Large living room, dining hall and high ceiling.
Lovely decoration
As I mentioned earlier, I went to Sulfolk House for function, so there was only a buffet spread prepared for us. I didn't get to sample their 'fine dining' but if their buffet is any indication, I didn't miss much.
7-Spiced BBQ Chicken. The chicken was juicy, nicely marinated (however, I don't 'feel' the 7-spices) but the texture was a little stubborn. I'd eaten better chicken elsewhere.
Traditional lasagna. i like this, very flavorful, creamy, cheesy and soft but very filling, so I didn't eat this much to reserve some space in my stomach for other foods
Beside the lasagna, roast lamb with rosemary. If the chicken was tough, imagine eating the lamb here (overcooked!), not recommended. The taste was just too plain (rosemary, huh?!) for me to go through the trouble of eating it (I did cut a small piece to eat, arrgh!), next!
Cajun spiced potatoes wedges on your left and herb crusted dory fillet on your right. The potato wedges, as plain as you can see. They can put nice and flowery names but it won't give the food any taste if there's NO taste! I like the dory fillet, boneless, fried and crispy on the outside and soft on the inside. Freshness? I can't comment much but I like it.
Vegetarian and salad
Mixed leaf salad & orange infused balsalmie. More than just nice colors here. It tasted light and fresh, surprisingly!
I just took a small portions of every dish. They aren't many choices here, unfortunately.
Closer photo shots on the herb crusted dory fillet. I like it.
Soup corner. Forgoten about what soup was it that evening.
Eating bread and butter at buffet? Tell you a lot about the main dishes, huh!

Eating in this 'dreamy' room. It's actually very romantic if I'm not sharing this table with another 6-7 people! Haha.
Next, time to raid the dessert table! The choices, again, were limited, sigh!
Rich chocolate gateau/ aka French cake. All dark and brown doesn't mean it's filled with dark and concentrated chocolate, okay? There were actually sponge cake in the middle but eating the top itself is rich enough for me. I love the small sizes here, so cute!
Creme caramel. I think I'm the first one who eat this perfectly formed pudding, hehe. Nice, sweet, soft texture. Too plain? Nope, just right.
One of my 'many, repeated' serving of this two cutey:)
Apple crumble. I love this too. It's always nice to eat something special besides the usual chocolate cake and puddings (not that I don't like, hehe). I like the feeling of the pastry 'crumble' in my mouth releasing the pieces of apple in it.
Another view of the dessert table. Although limited amount of dessert, I like most of it. Thank God there wasn't more choices or my sugar level will hit sky roof that night, haha.
Suffolk House Restaurant
250, Jalan Air Itam, 
10460 Penang 
(next to the Malaysian-German Society)
+6 (0)4 228 3930
Email:  Website:
Must visit Suffolk House, even if you don't plan to eat here. Where else can you find a place which is historical, romantic and serve 'fine dining' foods in Penang?

Tasty Or Not:
Rating: 5.5/10 for evening buffet. The ambient is excellent but too bad can't say the same for the foods. Really hope the 'fine dining' foods is much more finer. How is it? Hmm...

p/s: Read more...Suffolk House Restaurant, Penang (Part 2): Taste Of Fine Dining At A Fine House

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