
Wedding Chapter, closed: Thank you, thank you!!!:)

It'd been very hectic for the past few months. I was busy preparing for my wedding. For someone who vowed not to follow the complicated traditional wedding and insist on a 'simple' wedding, I didn't manage to do that:)

Community Chest & You. Donations of groceries will go to shelter home, Rumah Agethian Shelter.
Somehow, I ended up doing most (if not all) that a traditional wedding should be. I'm proud to say that I went through almost all the 'compulsary' wedding thingy like parents-parents discussion, presentation of dowry and presents, tea ceremony, wedding receptions and of course, honeymoon too! I'm glad I did:)

Arrival at Bangsar Village, full of excitement!
Here in this entry, I'd like to thank all my family members, relatives and best of friends who took the time to grace our wedding and also contributed so generously. Also, we were not expecting to end up with surplus after taking into account all the expenses from the wedding. It was a pleasant surprise:)

I took a photo of the board, which wrote down all the groceries that the shelter needed:)
I'd like you all to know that your contributions will benefit more than just both of us. I'd took the liberty, after discussing with J, to use YOUR money, to buy groceries that are needed by some shelter homes.

Trolley full with groceries:)
I managed to find all the groceries within 30 minutes! I'll try to break the record the next time:)
I love the 'community chest' idea @ Bangsar Village.
I love going around the supermarket to find all the groceries that are needed.
And I love to be doing it again in the near future.

I'd never buy so many things at one go before, hehe:)
Many thanks again to all, really appreaciate it:)

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