
Lunch @ Chapman's Bar, Emerald Bay, Pangkor Laut Resort: Lunch By The Beach:)

So, after a heavy breakfast, both J and I went expending all the calories gained. We walked around Pangkor Laut Resort and took lots and lots of photos (bringing the tripod was the best decision we made!). To travel to the other side of the island, we chose to go by 4WD because the roads were just too steep and narrow.
Lunch @ Chapman's bar, by the seaside:)
The ceiling was high and the restaurant was airy with sea breeze occasionally felt caressing the face:)
We just waited less than 5 minutes at the waiting point and then a 4WD came to pick us up and drove us to the other side of the island, the Emerald Bay, which took less than 3 minutes. We actually arrived here yesterday evening to see the sunset but wasn't able to see it because the view was blocked by trees.

Menu @ Chapman's bar, Emerald bay, Pangkor Laut Resort
Water arrived first, even before taking orders. Good. I'm thirsty:)
We walked along the pristine, clean, white beach facing the emerald colored sea water. More than 90% were foreigners trying to get a good tan while both J and I were trying to avoid the sun as much as possible:)

We walked into Chapman's bar at 2pm for our lunch here. For appetizers, J ordered soup of the day while I ordered satay.

J's soup of the day (RM30): seafood soup.
Prawns and scallops, a few...
This seafood soup tasted more like ONION soup. No taste of the seafood sweetness at all. Perhaps, the seafood quantities were just too little?
Toast bread for seafood/ ONION soup? Putting inappropriate foods in inappropriate dishes. Really no brainer...
My appetizer, satay (RM40), huh!
6 sticks of satay: 3 chicken satay, 3 beef satay.
Peanut sauce, adequate, can top up, nice and not too oily.
Chicken satay, partly over-cooked. It'd be better to cut away the over grilled parts since it's carcinogenic. Also, for almost RM6/chicken satay, I'd expect more 'thigh'/ tender meat than this thin (thinner than Kajang satay, wey!) and rough chicken satay meat.
Same goes to the beef satay also but I like this a lot because although it was beef meat, the meats were so tender to began with, as if I'm eating chicken.
Bird's eyes view of my appetizer, satay:)
For main course, I chose ikan tiga rasa while J chose Chef's Ho chicken chop. Talking about the chef, he came out momentarily from his kitchen and went on a walkabout outside. I overheard him telling all the foreigners there that he can cook other dishes besides those from the menu if the foreigners chose to do so. He went to all the tables with foreigner EXCEPTS a few tables with Chinese/ Asians. What's wrong with Pangkor Laut Resort? Are Asians or Chinese second class compare to foreigners?

My ikan tiga rasa (RM50) and J's Chef's Ho Chicken Chop (RM45)

You tell me, does this look 'tiga rasa'/ three different flavored sauce?
Another closer view. Not only the sauce being 'satu rasa'/ single flavored, the sauce was too little. Also, this fish was loaded with bones! I regret listening to the waitress recommendation!
Closer view again, 'satu rasa' or 'tiga rasa'?? It tasted like ketchup. Just sweet ketchup taste an nothing else!
Fish meat, one of these from the left side and another from the right side, both laden with bones. Eat at your own risk! The fish was fried, so I couldn't comment much about the fish freshness.
J's Chef's Ho Chicken Chop (RM45)
The thigh chicken meat covered with ketchup and peas, huh!
The chicken chop meat, well cooked, nothing special.
Another view of the chicken chop. Imagine eating a huge chicken chop covered with ketchup and crispy flavor-less skin. A disgrace to the chef's name this dish was named after.
Chunks of fries, which were not salted or peppered at all! Huh!
Finally, it's dessert time. Again, the choices were limited. I chose bubur kacang hijau while J chose 2 scoops of ice cream (again!) because the other desserts sickens her!

Bubur kacang hijau (RM25)

The kacang hijau/ mung beans weren't properly and thoroughly cooked and the whole dessert was served cold! It's also too milky and sweet until the kacang hijau taste wasn't noticeable at all!
2 scoops of ice creams (RM25). Nope, not Haagen Dazs or Baskin Robbin for sure. Think J got too much faith in Pangkor Laut Resort and hope that the ice-cream might finally be from those famous brands:(

Tasty Or Not?
Rating 2.5/10. I wonder how can a 5-star resort serving 1-star foods? It baffled me. Are the foreigners' taste buds so different and so easy to placate. I overheard that some foreigners were staying here for a week and some even stayed here up to a month! What a waste! If there spend their time in Penang island, they'll really know how great Malaysia's foods are. This Pangkor Laut Resort's foods are really a disgrace!

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