
Dinner @ Feast Village, Pangkor Laut Resort: Hoping For Great Dinner But Got Discriminated And Disappointed Instead!

After the walkabout around Pangkor Laut Resort, we went back for another dip at our bath tub (J and I would be dipping at out bath tub for another 6-7 times throughout our 3D2N stay here, hehe). After that, we put on our best attire to have our dinner at Feast Village @ Pangkor Laut Resort.

Feast Village @ Pangkor Laut Resort
Upon arrival to the Feast Village, we were directed to our table, which was facing the beach and at the side of the restaurant. J was okay with if but I can't stand eating in the near total darkness (I couldn't take nice photos of my foods also, right?). So, I requested to change table to a brighter one and also if possible, under the fan (there was one unoccupied table fitting my descriptions). I was ignored by the waiter/ I changed table myself (5-star, konon! please note, PLR, if you're reading this!)

One page menu only for Chinese while the foreign tourists getting the whole menu. Gosh, I felt so discriminated! FYI, I ended ordering their 'Nasi Hidangan Satu & Dua', both RM85++ and I never get to see their full menu, sigh!
Anyway, time to order. We were shown a one page menu, which I felt slighted because everyone was getting a complete menu. Although I knew the meal was part of the holiday package that I was choosing, I felt that I should be given a chance to order other extra dishes, if I chose to and not being assumed that I won't. Both J and I felt our dinner! Of course, almost 90% of your tourists are Europeans/ Americans but do not forget that Chinese holding the purse-string for the world now (plus, your boss is Chinese too, right?)!

Buns and salted butter. If this dinner was supposed to be 'Malay' style, I don't see how this buns fitted into the eating experience.
Their buns were raw and hard, I think it needed more yeast instead of salted butter! Ate one...I think just half before giving up. Hopeless!
5-star buns, huh! I wonder what's the 'extra' here!
My 'Hidangan Nasi Satu', tomato rice with 5 dishes in small plates.
First plate containing 'sotong goreng ranggup'/ deep fried calamari with chili dipping sauce. I like this one a lot but unfortunately, after sharing with J, both of us get to eat about three small calamari only. The calamari was nicely fried till golden brown in color, its texture were crisp while the sweet tinge of chili sauce makes perfect combination.
Second plate, ikan masak cili padi/ fish in rich yellow coconut gravy with birds' eye chili. This dish was an utter disappointment, taste neither spicy nor like the rich yellow coconut gravy while the fish meats were stubborn and full of bones (hey, it's dangerous eating with so many bones in dark environment, okay!). Suffice to say, for this dish, I'm glad it came in small plate.
Third dish, kari udang/ succulent king prawns simmered in coconut chili gravy. King prawns? What a joke! Prawns as small as cockles! However, tastewise, this third dish was acceptable, the prawns were indeed fresh while the chili was at least spicy for this one, although nothing special beyond that.
Fourth dish, ayam rendang/ slow cooked chicken in spiced coconut paste. Hm, the chicken meat was rather tough despite 'slow cooked' but the rendang sauce was rather good (albeit just too little) and with deep penetrating aromatic taste, plus 'lemak' enough.
Fifth dish, sambal terong/ eggplant sauteed in aromatic chili paste. See the photo yourself, plain right. Taste the same also. Lousy!
J chose Hidangan Nasi Dua, with briyani rice. We were literally eating in the dark while the mosquitoes were feasting with out juicy legs, ouch!
First dish, daging kurma/ beef braised in creamy spiced curry. Strong beef smells persist and even stronger than the kurma/ creamy spiced curry. The beef meat was okay but I still can't get rid of that smell in my mind!!!
Second dish, ikan goreng kunyit/ deep-fried turmeric marinated fish. Yet another disappointment with the fish meat tasted totally bland other than some crispy (but tasteless) exterior.
Third dish, kacang panjang/ stir-fried long beans in mild spice paste. Worse than my mother cooking, plus the long beans were still too 'raw' (but for some, might be call it acceptable as it was crunchy, not for me). No whatsoever 'spice' taste at all.
Fourth dish, udang masak merah/ succulent prawns in savory spiced tomato sauce. Either they didn't know how to 'masak merah' or gave us the wrong dish or think we're too stupid to know it wasn't udang masak merah...take your pick. They prawns were alright but having just 2-3 prawns don't make a dish! Kiamsap to the max here!
Fifth dish, kambing masala/ lamb stewed in masala spices and aromatics. Surprisingly, the lamb 'smell' wasn't present in this dish compared to the earlier beef kurma. It was a pleasant dish with the masala spices exuded with every bites and having the lamb tender meat cut into small pieces make this dish stands out compared to other dishes in this set.
Desserts; red bean porridge, kasui, yam ball...all finished!
This dessert also finished. I only manage to take the photos at the counter only. Yes, ended up ordering two scoops of ice-cream again, aii!
Tasty Or Not?
Rating 3/10. If the foods here were half as good as the scenery here at Pangkor Laut Resort, I'd be satisfied but for RM85++, I think it's a rip-off again. I'd rather they focused on a few good dishes (and larger portions) instead of 5 dishes in which 3 our of 5 dishes sucked big time. Also, there were too much mosquitoes here!

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