
Tek Sen Restaurant @ Carnavon Street, Georgetown, Penang: Best 'Ju Char' In Town. Period.

Today posting will feature one of the most renown and established restaurant in Penang,..Tek Sen Restaurant!!! Yummy...

In front of Tek Sen Restaurant, busy as usual during dinner time.

I went there with C and J awhile ago. Aii, took me so long before I typed out this posting, procrastinating again, hehe. Anyway, we went there for some 'ju char' foods. 'Ju char/ ju chow' means 'cooking, frying' in Chinese...but in the context of eating/ dining at restaurant, it usually means ordering dishes to eat together instead of just ordering separately. Having said so, that also mean you'll be able to taste and try different types of mouth watering dishes at one go. Delicious!

Crowded inside. Luckily, managed to find an empty table. Table turnovers were quick here. The environment here was nice, airy, bright and clean.
It's nice to eat in a group but it's always hard to find a time when everyone is free, hungry and agrees to eat the same food:)
Tables outside the restaurant...even 'kaki lima'/ pavement outside this restaurant is not spared. If you pay close attention to what everyone was ordering...everyone will order roughly the same dishes, those that this restaurant is (very) famous for. What are the dishes?:)
Let's have dinner!

As usual, the drinks arrived first. 'Leong cha' (cooling herbal tea), 'yit cha' (hot tea) and 'luen sui' (warm water). Next, is what you're waiting for. Tek Sen famous dishes, in no particular orders (because all are nice!)

"Jiu pai tau fu'/ Tek Sen Restaurant famous beancurd. We ordered three 'tauhu-s', one for each of us. The tauhu is soft and smooth, inside and outside. It's  best to eat it together with the tauhu's sauce that are sprinkled with minced pork, bite-size spring onions, carrots and onion. Excellent 'appetizer'! I also mixed the sauce with my white rice, excellent gravy too! 

'Ma lai fung keong'/ kangkung sambal belachan. I ordered this dish without fail, all the time when I'm eating in restaurants. Therefore, it's a good benchmark to access how this restaurant's food is compared with other restaurants, on just this dish alone!. I must admit that it's not a really good and fair comparison because most restaurants don't usually put prawns in it. Adding prawns will definitely enhance this dish taste! This dish gave my tastebuds extra work to do. Perfect balance between spicy sambal, sweet prawns and light belachan taste.

Asam curry fish. The fish meats were fresh, plenty and 'bouncy', the asam curry taste was intense! The food just kept getting better! No wonder this flavorful dish (and the next one) was ordered by almost every table that night!

'Siew yuk'/ roasted pork, literally the most famous and sought after this in this restaurant. It's cut into small pieces and fried until all the 'wok hei' were stored into every piece of it. If you can imagine how tasty lard is, then imagine 10 times the extra taste in this dish (an not mentioning the cholesterol too, hehe).

All the four dishes for dinner. One of my most memorable dinner in Penang:)

Close up photos the foods on my plate!:)
Tek Sen Restaurant
Ground Floor of No.18 & 20. 
Carnarvon Street 
10100 Georgetown, Penang

Tasty Or Not?
Rating: 8.5/10. Awesome restaurant for a simple yet fulfilling dinner. Must try!

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