
Secret Recipi's Cakes Galore:)

Just a short entry...

Some nice people bought 5 cakes (yes!) from Secret Recipi for my colleagues and I, to be shared after a presentation. It's really hard to focus on the presentation when you have five cakes outside:)

They bought Secret Recipi's durian, durian cake, chocolate mud cake, chocolate banana cake, marble cheese cake and carrot slice brownies.

Secret Recipi's cakes!!!

Marble cheese cake
Marble cheese cake, side view. Delicious cake, packed with cheese...and cheese only. All that matters, cheese.
Durian, durian cake. Combining cake with durians, superb! If durian is Malaysian's favorite fruit, then does it mean durian, durian cake will be Malaysian's favorite cake?:)
Durian, durian cake. From their website, it's mentioned that there should be four layers of vanilla cake with three layers of durian filling. I don't see it here, hmm (I purposely broke the cake apart to check, hehe). Anyway, I enjoyed eating this cake a lot. The durian flavor is just average (I don't expect them to put in premium durians also) but to eat a whole slice is a wonderful experience, sweet plus durian flavor, daring combinations, nice! Yummy!
Carrot cake brownies
Carrot cake brownie. Looks okay but taste-wise, below below, average. It just taste sweet but like a cake/ brownie without a purpose
Chocolaate mud cake. Unfortunately, I didn't get to sample this cake...finished by my colleagues and staffs, aiii. Would be nice, but not sure for now. Wait till I go and taste this cake myself next time. 
Chocolate banana cake. Nope, I didn't get to try this cake also, aiii. We chose to give it away to another department's colleagues, who'd been very helpful to us. However, I'd taste this cake before and I can attest to it that it's an amazing cake with chunks of bananas lost in sea of chocolates, hehe.

Get it from any Secret Recipi's stalls nationwide!

Tasty Or Not?
Ratings: 9/10 for marble cheese cake, 8.5/10 for durian durian cake, 3/10 for carrot slice brownies, ?/10 for chocolate mud cake and 8.5/10 for chocolate banana cake.

1 comment:

  1. great cakes isn't.. u should hv ur tea time here than food foundry.. :)
