
I Want To Be The Bigger Loser! What?!

Yummy! :)
Sound weird, right? Actually, it was a healthy bet I made with my friend, N today to see who get to lose 7kgs first by May 2011. (Indications: ballooning weight+shape and my LDL upward trajectory from 2.4 to 2.9 and now 3.7) 

My current weight: 80kgs (target 73kgs)
N's current weight: 76kgs (target 69kgs)

Whoever reach the target weight soonest will win.

Bye bye to my favorite junk food; ChaCheer kuaci and Wise potato chips

Ipod shuffle. If I win he'll buy one for me (and I'll give to my gf, awww, so sweet!) but if I lose, I have to buy one for him...unlikely;)

Pros: I'll win, muahahahaha:)
Cons: Won't be able to indulge in nice foods so frequent anymore, aiii...

Both N and I re-weight again today (25/2/2011) at another weighing machine because we suspected the first weighing machine was not calibrated properly (actually, think both of us do not want to believe that we're simply FAT, hehe)

My new current weight is 78kgs (target 73kgs)

N new current weight is 74 (target 69kgs)

You might be wondering why both of us is planning to reduce 5kgs instead of 7kgs planned earlier. Well, it's because N claimed his 'ideal' body weight is 69kgs, so I layan his request le:)

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