
Claypot Rice @ Jalan Loke Yew, Tanjung Malim: Worth Stopping By This Small Town Everytime

After I delivered dinner (Shihlin Taiwan bento box set, plus soya bean drink) to J @ Sungai Buloh hospital, I continued my journey back to Ipoh.  I'll always stopped at Tanjung Malim for dinner if I happened to be there around evening or night time.

Majority of people staying at Tanjung Malim are Malays, especially since UPSI and Proton factory are located here. I used to work at Felda Trolak Selatan and Tanjung Malim is the nearest town with KFC, Pizza Hut or Secret Recipi. Not many people knew but there are some nice Chinese foods here too and it's situated at 'old' Tanjung Malim town, along Jalan Loke Yew. My favorite food along this road is the claypot rice, operated by a couple and opened from evening (about 6pm) till night (around 10pm).

I'll usually order one small claypot rice (RM6) and a plate of choy sum fa (Chinese flower cabbage, just RM3 only!), very fulfilling dinner for just under RM10.


Small claypot rice (RM6) with chicken meat, lap cheong (Chinese sausage) and ham yue (salted fish). Generous quantities enough for 1 guy or 2 girls to eat.

The boss already mixed it well before serving and so the rice is nicely cook and not hardened or burnt. Must transfer to plate ASAP or you'll be eating burnt rice instead.
Rice is soft, fragrant and absorbed some of the lap cheong, salted fish and soy sauce taste. There are a lot of chicken (not seen here) meat, well marinated, not overcook, giving the chicken meat soft texture. Ham yue (salted fish) and lap cheong (Chinese sausage) came in small but distinguishable pieces, giving the claypot rice the extra zing!:)
Proof that the claypot rice contain a lot of chicken meat, hehe. Here, if you can recognize the bony parts, you can actually see parts of chicken ribs (top 2 bones from the left), thigh (top right bone) chicken wing (lower 2 bones on the left) and drumstick (lower 2 bones from right).

Choy sum fa (RM3), always served together with claypot rice at the same time, nice to eat together.

Close up photo of choy sum fa. I always request my choy sum fa with extra oyster sauce and extra fried garlic toppings, at no extra charges.
Another close up photo of choy sum fa; young, crunchy greens with sweet and savory taste of oyster sauce and crispy, fried garlic bits releasing burst of its decadent flavor upon eating it.

Claypot Rice
(situated on your right after turning into Jalan Loke Yew, opposite a shop selling cellular phones)
Jalan Loke Yew,
Tanjung Malim
Open: 6pm - 10pm

Try not to eat salted fish if possible to prevent nasopharyngeal carcinoma (cancer)
Ask for more oyster sauce and fried garlic bits

Tasty Or Not?
Rating 8/10. Again, satisfying and wholesome dinner for just under RM10.

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